There is an Update fro Android that was announced by Facebook at their Event that Happened 11/3/10. The one that was out had definite issues but this is reportedly a Fix for most of those issues. This adds Places, Groups & improved notifications, Go to the Android Market Place for your Download, and oh yeah iPhone is supposed to have an update too, but there are reports of downloading issue’s, but try it anyway!



Facebook for Android makes it easy to stay connected and share information with friends. You can share status updates from your home screen, check out your News Feed, review your upcoming Events, look at your friends’ walls and user info, upload photos, share links, check your Inbox, and view posted videos.

Recent changes:
– Groups: share posts with small groups of friends
– Places: share where you are with friends, see where friends are, discover places nearby
– Improved Notifications – view comments and updates within the app
– Various bug fixes