This is an amazing idea! San Francisco lawmakers voted Tuesday to override Mayor Gavin Newsom’s veto on a measure to ban fast-food restaurants from including toys with children’s meals that do not meet nutritional guidelines.

The city’s Board of Supervisors gave the measure final approval with an 8-3 vote on Tuesday. It goes into effect in December 2011.

The ordinance prohibits toy giveaways in fast-food children’s meals that have more than 640 milligrams of sodium, 600 calories or 35 percent of their calories from fat.

The law also limits saturated fats and trans fats and requirex fruits or vegetables to be served with each meal that includes a toy.

Supervisor Eric Mar, the measure’s chief sponsor, says the ordinance will help create healthier choices to our kids.”

I agree. I think a toy in an unhealthy meal encourages and rewards poor eating. This is a great change and I hope it gets implemented everywhere soon and not just San Francisco!

Source: FOX