I would have given my left lung in high school to be able to go in at 10am. I had to be up at 7am and it SUCKED. I don’t even wake up that early now! LOL. A Toronto high school is testing out the idea of starting kids at 10 now. Studies have proven that teenagers both need and DO sleep later than adults, and research has shown that teens’ behavior and attitudes worsen the earlier the hour, but improve when school starts later.


“Academic impacts are harder to confirm, but in 2009, a study of 3,000 Houston children aged 11 to 17 found that students getting less than six hours of sleep a night were twice as likely to report poor grades upon follow-up a year later. And the benefits of late starting, if they exist, will not be confined to the classroom and the home. In a 2008 study conducted in Fayette County, Ky., a one-hour forward shift in the start times at public schools was associated with longer reported hours of sleep — and a 17 per cent reduction in accident rates among teen drivers, during a period when rates for all other drivers increased eight per cent.” – Macleans

What are your thoughts??