Nothing like a disgruntled family member. The Situation’s dad has released two videos today online, accusing his famous son of abandoning the family since his new found reality stardom. “I ask you one f*cking favor and you tell me to go f*cking be like a regular f*cking Joe Blow and go on welfare? No, my friend, I don’t do that.”

In situations like these (no pun intended), I don’t know who to sympathize with. On one hand, The Situation seems like he can be pretty douche-y…so I wouldn’t put it past him that he’s brushing off those close to him. On the other hand, the fact his father would even make these kind of videos attests to his character…so if he’s willing to do these videos, he might have long been a jerk to his son. Who knows? Find links after the jump to the videos and share your thoughts.
