On Thursday Playboy enterprises has annoucned that they will have a subscription service that will allow subscribers to view the last 57 years of Playboy, page by page.  For anyone out there missing any issues im sure this is a subscrition they would love to be apart of.   Playboy will be calling the service i.playboy.com.

@tatwza @YJB


The service will be available for a fee of $8 per month, $60 per year and $100 for two years.  The site will be available to  Ipad users and will be updated on a monthly basis.  The site will have every cover, page, interview, model and centerfold Playboy has ever had grace its magazine, so there are no plans on scaling down. With more than 130,000 pages in total, the site will also feature exclusive videos and new curated content. With 6 million visitors per month Playboy should have no problems getting subscribers to their new service, having access to this content is a collectors dream.