Move over Netflix, MoviePass Just upgraded your movie watching quantity!!! In true “This Age” fashion the Movie industry is trying to fight the “stay at homers” that like to watch as many movies as they want in the comfort of their own home with watching as many movies as you want in the Theater!!! Hit the Jump for Details!

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MoviePass is a smartphone(No Word On which OS’s, Prob Not BB!) App that For $50 a month you can take your ass to as many movies as you want, but for people that actually have a life, you can get a $30 pass to see 4 movies a month, which rounds out to once a week, which fits in to ‘Date Night’, but you’ll have to get 2 passes, so your date can get in too!!! Oh and there is a $3 surcharge on iMax/3D Movies -_- (That’s why I never give the Glasses back!)


1st 10 people to sigh up go with a #IFWT Member!!!!

Thanks! The first 10 people to get 10 friends to join using this link get a free ticket and earlier access:

Or sign up on your own MoviePass