I can’t front I’m totally into tech and I’m one of the main System Administrators for #IFWT, but this is the first time I heard about this in its 12 year existence. Then again, this is the first year I have been a real System Administrator. S/O Funk Flex, Sabrina B. and myself for making decisions and keeping things moving!!

Follow Tat WZA on Twitter

“A sysadmin unpacked the server for this website from its box, installed an operating system, patched it for security, made sure the power and air conditioning was working in the server room, monitored it for stability, set up the software, and kept backups in case anything went wrong. All to serve this webpage.”

S/O to the System Administrators I know, Karla Moy aka Hustle Girl, Frank Miller, Gigi, Dj Quiz, Elliot Wilson!!!!!

Hit us up If you’re a System Administrator so we can shout you out!!!!
