Weeks before the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11 terror attacks, the NYPD is already focusing on the next decade. The NYPD met last week with members of other law enforcement agencies within 200 miles of the city. The consortium of cops called Operation Sentry focused on the ever-changing nature of terrorism. Hit the jump to read the rest of story.

Among the topics was the impact of white supremacists – in the wake of the bloodthirsty lunatic who slaughtered more than 70 people last month in Norway. Confessed killer Anders Behring Breivik railed against Muslims in a 1,500-page manifesto.

After the Sept. 11 memorial, the NYPD will be gearing up for a meeting of top brass, including anti-terror cops, who will discuss how to keep the city safe in the years ahead.

“We’re looking to have a conference, looking at 10 years down the road,” said Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly. “We want to see what technology might be available and how we can get better.”

Kelly said the NYPD plans to push hard for surveillance cameras to be installed along the new Second Ave. subway line as it is being built.

“We certainly would urge and hope state-of-the-art cameras are built into the system,” he said.

Kelly warned that the city can’t afford to let its guard down – whether terrorists are using new techniques or traditional ones. Lone wolves and terror wanna-bes may be a growing concern, he said, but that doesn’t mean organized cells have disappeared.

There’s no intelligence suggesting the city is in any danger of being attacked on Sept.11, Kelly said. But he noted that Osama Bin Laden twice in the year before he was killed urged followers to wreak havoc on the 10th anniversary.

“It’s going to be a day of concern,” Kelly said. “It’s going to be a workday.”