As of right now Yes, but it’s really not because of all the great praise the device has gotten, but more of because the Fire sale HP had this weekend! In Wake of the News that HP would no longer be building WebOS devices, they Put the touchpad on sale for a mere $99, and at that price who the hell wouldn’t want one? I mean even I went looking this weekend! But After the run around and the online distributers selling out, Amazon came with a move at the last minute, Hit the Jump!
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ok maybe I got you confused so let me break it down, I went to best buy at 1p on sat, the HP rep was there and told Me Best Buy pulled them, then sent me to staples, when I got to staples, they told me they sold out 30 min’s prior, and there wasn’t another TouchPad for 50 miles, So I went back to Best Buy, the HP rep said Best Buy sent all of it’s TouchPads to other business’ to distribute, but I should try, but I wanted one in hand, so I went to PC Richards, Sold Out, only the Display model(and I asked them for it, but they said NO), but they were still ordering for customers from, then I went to another Staples, Sold Out.(and they even sold there’s for $50!!)

Then I realized they were all saying they only had 4 units(of course they sold out), then I went to Walmart, they sold out at 7a, once again they only had 4 units, so I gave up, and went home. I couldn’t let it go, so I tried, of course ‘Sold Out’ -_-

as well as everywhere else. Later I saw in a forum that Best Buy started selling them, so the next morning(which was yesterday) I went back to Best Buy, and was told they put them out at 4p, and it was ‘sold out’

So I quit, THEN last night YJB texted me and said Amazon Had them, and he sent me a link, so I hit it up and it was going through, and It seems as though I may be the owner of a NEW 16gb HP TouchPad, as long as Amazon actually ships my unit and I get it by Aug 31st, I will let you know!!!
Unfortunately when YJB went to get his half an hour later it told him ‘sold out’, but try now for yourself!!!
