Will people just let Breezy LIVE!!! Gosh!! Chris has been at odds with his neighbors for a few months now, ever since he moved into his swanky LA pad. The neighbors say he’s terrorizing their building and parking in illegal spaces, and Breezy shot back on Twitter saying it’s HIM who’s the victim. The prosecutor in court today revealed that Chris’ neighbors are trying to get him in trouble with his probation officer from the case he still has with Rihanna stemming from 2009. Wow. That’s ridiculous. Details after the jump.

Marisa Mendez

In court, the prosecutor told the judge … the homeowners association will send a letter to Chris’ probation officer, claiming he’s violated various laws by his conduct in the building and has therefore violated one of the terms of his probation — to obey all laws.

Chris’ lawyer, Mark Geragos, called the biggest complainer “a nut,” adding that Chris is the victim of the management in the building, who misled him over the parking spots. Geragos also said he’s met with the West Hollywood City Attorney, and believes the numerous citations Chris received for parking in a handicapped spot will be dismissed.

The judge is noodling over the conflict.
