The New build for the Xbox UI is looking kinda Clean, wish my Xbox wasn’t Red Ringing Me -_-

Any way it seems as though there are some more Details on the NEW Clean interface, Just hit the Jump, and we’re good!!

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1st of all it looks like there will be cross-platform multiplayer game support, which that alone sounds so Mean, That means as an xbox user can play Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 with a PS3 user, Crazy!!

Then the term “cloud saves” has popped up, which I’m assuming means your game saves will be on any Xbox you sign in on, not just your Xbox, which once again is eXtremely Clean!!
Also having dedicated Music / Video panes, seems like it will be pretty cool, It’s all about content, no matter what device or UI, and being able to turn off the gaming part of your Xbox(you know when you’ve been playing for 13 hours straight and your parent/Loved one feels, that your Retarded/neglecting them, you will be able to just turn a movie on, or see the news, or watch a TV Show, or check the weather, or just surf the web to satisfy them a little 🙂

See the Windows 8 inter-compatiblity(I really don’t know if that is a real word, and I don’t really Care) to me means that Xbox has figured out how to be more compatible with the Mobile Windows phone to get that Xbox live Mobile, a round of applause Microsoft, round of applause to you, who knew you had it in you!

