Let’s face it…sex is one of our favorite activities. Whether you have one person you enjoy it with all the time, or a variety of people…there’s a 99% chance you’re partaking in this activity! We here at IFWT thought you might want to know some strange but true facts about this “sport.” Check out 5 facts below and be sure to check back daily as we post 5 each day!

Marisa Mendez

1. A woman is more likely to want to commit adultery during ovulation than at any other time in her cycle.

2. Telling a convincing lie to someone is much more difficult when you find them sexually attractive.

3. Minute quantities of over 30 different substances have been identified in human semen. These include nitrogen, fructose, lactic acid, ascorbic acid, inositol, cholesterol, glutathione, creatine, pyruvic acid, citric acid, sorbitol, urea, uric acid and Vitamin B12, along with various salts and enzymes.

4. Chocolate contains phenylethylamine, the same feel-good chemical responsible for the ecstatic high people experience through sexual attraction and love.

5. Women who have given birth have darker labia minora than women who haven’t.
