BlackBerry Bold 9900

If you’ve been following along in the forums with those who have been having issues with theirBlackBerry Bold 9900 and 9930’s, then you no doubt know there has been numerous reports of peoples devices seemingly just self destructing. Kevin wrote an article about it, I’ve experienced it firsthand and judging from the comments on the post and in the forums a lot of other people have as well. Now though, RIM has confirmed there is indeed an issue with the device with a statement given to CNBC:


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“A limited number of customers have reported an issue where their device does not power on.” She said the company is “actively working on a software update to resolve this issue”.


The limited number comment is interesting, considering how many people who have come through the CrackBerry forums with issues. Granted, being a BlackBerry site we’re more apt to hear about it but it makes you really wonder just how widespread it may or may not be. The other concerning matter is with the fix, it’s being issued via a software update which we know from history for some carriers can take forever. Not cool.

Either way, they are aware of the issue and working on a fix but certainly — if you come across the issue, don’t hesitate to make use of that manufacturers warranty. If nothing else, that will make them want to resolve it faster. I certainly had to after my device wouldn’t do anything but go in an endless bootloop.