Twitter has grown Every year since it started in 2007, But this year was kinda historic, I mean the things that happened on Twitter this year are Now recorded history, apart of History, Never to be forgotten, and locking in Twitter as one of the most relevant in society!! Hit the jump for 2011’s Top Twitter stories!


In Order of relevance, Yet ALL Deeply important!!!

#10 – Demi Moore’s New Twitter Name:

#9 – Tweet For the Deaf, Very Moving, Humanity at it’s finest!!

#8 – Family Reunion, Beautiful!! (click the Pick To See the Daughter He Found)

#7 – NBA Lockout, Not as socially significant but important to all sports lovers

#6 – The Last Space Shuttle Launch, We cover this tweet at the Time

#5 – London Riot Clean UP, Twitter Tracked the riots through Hashtags!!

#4 – Turkish Earthquake, Twitter was one of the only ways this New got to the World!

#3 – The Death Of Osama Bin Laden, one of THE most significant Tweets of the year, and the guy that tweeted it, didn’t even know what he really had, he technically was the 1st reports on the Seen!!!

#2 – Japanese Earthquake & Tsunami, This devastated the World!

#1 – Egyptian Uprising, This(to me at least) was the Most significant thing in the world, not to ‘mention’ Twitter, The start of the Arab Spring, and the catalyst to #OccupyWallStreet, and although a Google engineer kinda got the credit, Twitter let the world watch it!!!