I saw this report come up last week, but there was no real proof so I didn’t want to report on it just yet. Now that there is, I can’t wait to go IN! Hit the jump for the photo and details.

Marisa Mendez

I know in reality shows there’s lots of editing to make the storyline better at times, but this is ridiculous. In the episode that Kim and her mom Kris go to Dubai, they’re seen toward the end riding in a car (with the windows all blacked out..suspect) headed to the Dubai airport to go home.

Kris asks Kim if she’s excited to go home to her husband and that’s when Kim “realizes” it’s not normal that she’s not excited. The scene seemed very fake and contrived and now we found out…it was! Kim’s Dubai trip was in October…but if you look at the photo above on December 6th…you’ll see her and her mom leaving an L.A. studio with the exact same outfits (Kris purple shirt is being held behind her)! And you KNOW they wouldn’t rock the same outfits twice! Busted! Just another way to try and save face for that divorce smh. What are your thoughts?
