Posted by Sabrina B. @gametimegirl

It turns out Metta World Peace remains reluctant to spread his message.

His personal assistant arrived at the Lakers’ facility after a recent practice to pick up a pair of signed basketballs for an unspecified charity. Only problem: World Peace had scribbled his former name, Ron Artest, on both balls and refused to re-sign it.

“I don’t like the signature yet,” World Peace later explained. “It’s not how I want it yet. I’m trying to figure out how to sign it.”

He’s currently kicking around different ideas, but to no avail. World Peace remains unsure if he should sign his name as just Metta, World Peace or both. He sounded unsure of the idea when a reporter suggested he tag his autograph with a peace sign. World Peace says he needs more practice writing out the name to perfect his penmanship.

But for once, World Peace says he’s focusing on more important things.

“I haven’t signed a lot of autographs this year, World Peace said. “We’ve been so busy with games, I haven’t had time to get out. Next year I’ll probably sign Metta.”

WRITTEN BY Mark Medina - Twitter: @latmedina & FULL STORY HERE