You can keep your Wifi network secure but a tricky password is not the line of defense. A wallpaper has been developed which will protect your network! Hit the jump to check it out.

@ShottaDru X @TatWza

Paranoid about Internet security?

It might be time for a home makeover. A wallpaper prototype claims it can filter electromagnetic waves of WiFi networks. In other words, what goes on behind anti-WiFi-wallpapered walls stays behind … well, you get the point. This secure room would prevent sensitive data breaches.

The wallpaper’s silver crystals are arranged in a special snowflake-like pattern to block the wireless frequency of WiFi routers, according to DVICE. These patterns can also be altered to block phone and other signals.

This real-life Faraday cage is expected to go on sale in 2013 and will be priced competitively to regular mid-range wallpaper.
