Reasearchers at Yale university are developing a drug that helps people not get the feeling of being drunk.  Iomazenil, is being tested on people for its effects and what type of results they might receive from this new development. You might be thinking, what would even be the point of drinking without feel drunk or wouldn’t I drink more?  Well hit the jump to see why this pill it is being developed.


Doctors are testing a drug that could stop alcohol making people drunk.
The researchers believe iomazenil, taken before drinking, might negate some of alcohol’s effects on the brain.
Tests in a driving simulator will determine whether the drug makes volunteer drinkers safer behind the wheel after imbibing.
But the researchers, from Yale University in the U.S., do not want to develop a drug that simply allows people to drink more.
They hope that by stopping alcohol from getting to work on particular brain cells, iomazenil could help in developing a ‘stay sober’ pill to wean heavy drinkers off alcohol by taking some of the pleasure out of drinking.
This would reduce the damage done to the liver and other organs.
Researcher Deepak D’Souza, a psychiatrist, said: ‘A medication that has the potential to block alcohol actions in the central nervous system could act as a unique medication in the treatment of alcohol intoxication and alcoholism.
‘Alcohol is abused commonly but there is no remedy for alcohol intoxication.
‘This project is looking at the substance iomazenil and its effect on alcohol intoxication and alcohol’s effects on driving an automobile.’
He is far from the only researcher trying to find a way to take some of the harm out of drinking.