This technology has been in development for some time, straight out of scenes of Minority Report. Would you use the Intel Set Top box in your home? Check it out after the jump.

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Check Out The Intel Set Top Box!
Intel has developed a new set-top box that will monitor who is watching TV at that moment, enabling advertisers to target the most appropriate ads to them. The box does this by using facial recognition technology.

The box won’t identify the specific person watching TV, but will be able to tell if that person is male or female, adult or child. So, why would the average consumer want this? Well, Reuters reports Intel imagines it could lower costs for particular networks and shows, and lower the overall cost of advertising, making it more efficient. But media companies are reluctant to integrate the service. Those media content providers are hesitant to “let Intel unbundle and license specific networks and shows — at a discount to what cable and satellite partners pay.”

But Intel sources tells Reuters the box could also shed light on the accuracy of Nielsen ratings.

Despite concerns, Intel plans to launch the service by the end of the year.
