I have heard different opinions on this matter, whether you should or should not follow your boyfriend or girlfriend on Twitter. Its either, you know what they’re always doing, where they’re at, what they may be doing later on or you just don’t unless they personally tell you.  Do you really want to know all of this off of social media? In my opinion it creates a lot of assumptions and probably  a lot of arguments, but then if you don’t follow them on Twitter it may spark unbearable curiosity. Smh, I don’t know , what do you think? Hit the jump for someone else’s opinion.

If I have ONE piece of information about someone, like an email or a phone number or something, what are the SLEUTHING rules? I went on a date with someone and we have each other’s numbers, but since I know her full name, is it cool to just start following her on Twitter, for example?
Oh my god. Eyes widen. One eye blinks, then the other eye blinks. Eyes open again, then close. You see that the letters “WTF” are written on each eyelid. Eyes pop out of head, run up the forehead and onto the top of head, and jump off. Eyes land in sink full of water and swim in circles, because there is nowhere else to go, really.
I am not sure why but this has NEVER occurred to me before. I guess it’s weird to be afraid of someone you have a crush on/went on a date with/hooked up with following you on Twitter when you generally WANT people to follow you on Twitter, but it’s just so scary! I’m fine with complete and total strangers knowing what I think about on an hourly basis, but people I KNOW??
*Puts eyeballs back in and gives you a look like, “Giiiirl, are you serious?”* OK, I think this is the rationale: dating a follower/someone you follow AFTER following him/her for some time is the Twitter equivalent of falling in love with a friend. (Sort of. It’s Twitter, everyone’s in love with everyone on Twitter. Or I am, anyway? Ah.) Reverse that order, and you could get into TMI territory pretty quickly. For strangers with whom you may want to make out, information is best released in small segments in person, whenever possible.
Here is the rule: don’t add a date/hook-up on Facebook, follow him/her on Twitter, or use any methods of communication you were not expressly given until you’re both agreed that you are “dating.” That means there has to have been a discussion, and both of you think there is at least somewhat of a future for you two. Otherwise, you’re just setting yourself up for too much misinterpretation, a really uncomfortable click on “Unfollow,” and one more useless goddamn Facebook friend.
