This smartphone called Project Ray (Maybe For Ray Charles) is a smartphone for the visually impaired.  Nornamlly smartphones would need special apps for the visual impaired to use a smartphone but Project Ray is taylor made for them. The smartphone is synced to Israel’s Central Library for the Blind, Visually Impaired and Handicapped audio books which will help the smartphone users

Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA

The majority of blind individuals use simple phones for making calls. Obviously, the average smartphone is not something that can be used sans-sight. To make life easier, the visually impaired use a variety of specialty devices, which are more expensive than their normal counterparts and require individuals to use and keep track of many items.

The Project RAY phone has been created specifically to eradicate the need for many of these devices by performing the actions itself. The phone is based on an off-the-shelf Qualcomm-powered Android smartphone, this eye-free mobile device offers constant broadband connectivity and an adaptive UI. The RAY smartphone is currently in the testing phase, with 100 participants in Israel.
