I’m getting pretty tired of Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez’s on/off relationship. The other day Justin was spotted screaming for Selena to let him into her gated community after she was spotted storming out a crowded restaurant. Now insiders are saying that it’s not what it looks like and Selena has decided to give Justin another chance. Selena added fuel to the end-of-the-relationship fire by not accompanying Justin to the AMAs earlier this week, but instead showing up at all the after-parties. The whole statement by the insider seems like a bunch of bull to try to cover up that it’s done for the couple. See what they said below.

Julie A.

About Selena storming out of the restaurant:

“There was no blow up. Selena is just super embarrassed by all of this attention surrounding their relationship and she got upset when they sat down and people were staring and pulling out their cell phones. She was uncomfortable and wanted out of there, and that’s why they left almost immediately.”

About Justin screaming for Selena outside of her gate:

“The gate was just broken or having some sort of malfunction and wouldn’t let Justin in. He got frustrated by all the paparazzi out there taunting him about being locked out, so he took off to get them off his tail and returned to Selena’s shortly after.”

Selena’s lack of appearance at the AMAs:

“Selena didn’t go to the AMAs because she hadn’t been feeling well and she knew all eyes would be on their relationship. She wanted the focus to be Justin’s accomplishments. She went to the after-parties to show her support, but still felt bad, which is why she ended up in the hospital with a throat infection.”