Zamn, talk about having it rough! Not only is this dude a former soap star while his brother was in one of the biggest movies of the year and all time, now he’s in serious trouble for trying to score some coke from a undercover cop! The actor was most recently spotted on “One Life To Live” and looks like his next gig might be behind bars. The soap star was in court earlier this morning and of course he plead not guilty and is expected back in court sometime in January. Find out who it is below.

Julie A.

It’s Scott Evans who portrayed, Officer Oliver Fish. Evans is the younger, not as attractive or talented brother of Chris Evans who plays Captain America in movies of the same name and The Avengers. All jokes aside, I really hope they get Scott the help he needs. Coke is a serious drug, even if it’s used socially and trying to buy the drug is considered a felony, according to TMZ.