So the holidays are almost officially over but you’re still feeling that sense of loneliness. This is common, especially around this time – but it isn’t incurable. Want to make the change for 2013? Out with the old and in with the new, see what co-founder of the Chopra Foundation and author of Super Brain says about how you can feel more fulfilled!

Biz Baby

The state of loneliness can be crippling. Though the majority of people don’t find themselves consumed by it, they do feel its effects. Their inner worlds shrink and dry up. For others, the issue looms over them like a specter in the future rather than as present reality.

The only real answer to loneliness is to experience your own fullness. Then and only then can you be sure that you will not look inside one day to find holes, gaps, unanswered fears and a sense of lack. Here are steps that enable you to become true to yourself. They aren’t magic bullets, and I recognize that loneliness, like every other psychological state, has degrees of severity. But whether you look on being lonely as a mild or severe issue, the same solution applies. The three steps are given in no order of priority; consider adopting all of them.

Step 1: Have A Vision That You Devote Time To Every Day
Step 2: Put Yourself In A Context For Fulfillment
Step 3: View Your Life As A Process, A Never-Ending Journey

Read exactly how to follow these steps here.