iPhone Jailbreakers shed tears yesterday as pirate app Installous closed its virtual doors yesterday. The dev team Hackulous announced the sad news yesterday on their blog. Installous provided jailbreaker with thousands of pirated Apple apps over the years. The Installous app made it possible for users to download any and every app that was availbable in Apples App store for Free 99. Haculous posted on their site yesterday “Goodnight, sweet prince” about the closure of the pirate app store.

Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA

We are very sad to announce that Hackulous is shutting down. After many years, our community has become stagnant and our forums are a bit of a ghost town. It has become difficult to keep them online and well-moderated, despite the devotion of our staff. We’re incredibly thankful for the support we’ve had over the years and hope that new, greater communities blossom out of our absence.