Back in March of last year, Dawn Simorangkir, the designer of the clothing line Boudoir Queen, filed a lawsuit against the former Hole frontwoman, claiming libel, breach of contract and numerous other bad-faith maneuvers, claiming she was “the latest victim of Love’s volatile personality, hair trigger temper, and malicious and tortious behavior.”


Why? Because Love “spread lies” about her on Twitter, writing that she was a “vile horrible lying bitch on her Etsy site, otherwise called her a cocaine dealer, thief, embezzler, racist and homophobe, and even threatened her life, writing at one point that Dawn, an “asswipe nasty lying hosebag thief,” would be “hunted til dead” during a particularly dark 20-minute Twitter rant in 2009.

Of course, these ill-advisedly aired grievances had to come from somewhere, and they stemmed from a would-be business transaction in February 2009. Boudoir Queen designed a custom dress for Love and sent along more than $4,000 worth of the line’s couture. So far, so good. Then, Simorangkir sent Love a bill. Oopsie.

After the onslaught of online abuse—which Love had defended as an expression of opinion—Simorangkir claimed Love had irreparably damaged her reputation, and rejected the singer’s claims of freedom of speech by citing her influence as a celebrity. For real.

Which leads to the settlement. According to the Hollywood Reporter, the deal will officially be announced next week, and when all is said and done, will cost Love in the ballpark of $430,000. The first payment of cash was supposedly handed over yesterday, and the remainder will be paid out in installments through 2014.