When I was younger I heard rumors that Burger King really used horsemeat in their burgers but I dismissed them as just rumors, but now it seems it’s the truth. Earlier in the week Burger King meat was being investigated for being tainted with horsemeat despite claiming to be all beef. Although the horsemeat burgers don’t pose a risk, it’s still disgusting. I know that some people may eat horse and other animals, but if a place is promising all beef they should receive all beef. If fast food wasn’t gross enough, now there’s even more reason for me to stay away from it! Read more about the horse burgers below.

Julie A.

At first, Burger King denied their use of horsemeat as a cheap filler in their burger but were left with no choice but to admit the truth. Four samples taken from a Polish plant tested positive for small traces of quine DNA. It seems like the Burger King production plant was receiving meat from a non-approved supplier and they failed to deliver their promise of 100% beef burgers. The burger meat was not only just horse, but pig meat as well. I wonder if people are going to attempt to sue the burger chain for false advertisement?