You ever actually calculate how much you spend on gas per year? Do you ever do it per month? If you think about it, spending money on gas each month is just like having another bill you have to pay. I am sure I drive more than the average person, but I know on a monthly basis I spend at least $300 on gas. That alone is like a second car payment I have to make each month. Obviously the amount you spend on gas depends on how often and how far you drive, but at the end of the day, more and more of us are seeing paychecks disappear at the gas pump. A study was done to see what the average family spends on gas per year and you may find the answer surprising. Read more after the jump.


According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, the average family cost of gas for last year was just under $2,200. That number equates roughly to 4% of the average family yearly income. Now, this “average” family number I am sure would vary depending on who your talking to, but I am actually surprised at the $2,200 yearly number. I would expect that number to be much higher considering the across the board continuous raise on prices at gas pumps. I am just a single person, and I alone spend well over $3,000 a year on gas and I know there are millions of other people that spend much more. Maybe the rise in purchases of hybrid and electric cars last year contributed to the lower average cost. Let us know in the comments if you agree or disagree with that average number.
