
Bungie, the creators of the blockbuster Halo franchise, has finally unveiled their new game with Activision called Destiny. It’s a first-person shooter, like Halo, but with a very different agenda. After the jump, watch the video & read about the details.

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Destiny will be a persistent online shooter that Bungie wants you to always be connected to. The best way I can describe it is that it is a shooter like Halo, but has online discovery & matchmaking like Journey. It will initially come out on the PS3 & Xbox 360, but they have said that the technology they’ve built for the game can easily be used on next-generation consoles. In the video above, an iOS app is teased that will notify you on updates to game, as well as look at your custom character & what level you’re at. This sci-fi fantasy shooter definitely looks like it will impress. Check back here as more details come out.

Polygon | Kotaku