
Hollywood is said to be a funny place. People seem to fake friendships just to stay relevant and just for the look of it. Denzel Washington doesn’t fit the typical Hollywood mold, he stays true to himself. Denzel recently explained why he doesn’t hang out with people from the industry, saying why he doesn’t need to. Click below to see what Denzel had to say about the subject.

Denzel said, “Actually, even within the industry, I don’t have any actor friends. My friends are old friends… Maybe I’m not a butt-kisser, maybe I’m not a schmoozer. I’m not about to go to a party to try to get a job. And then when you have children, the other friends become other parents. We’d coach baseball or basketball. My wife and I were raised right. I don’t want movie-star friends.”
Denzel is so wise!
Biz Baby