Signs of a bad roomie

At 25 years old and having dormed in college…I’ve experienced my fair share of “bad” roommates. The slobs, the ones that keep their Christmas tree up through March and think there’s nothing wrong with it, the neatfreak mom-types…oh I’ve seen them all. Hopefully this list after the jump can help you spot their characteristics early so if you were THINKING about moving in with that friend of yours….maybe you should think again! Check it out.

Marisa Mendez

10. Smelly Clothes and Towels
Smelly clothes and filthy towels are a staple in many shared rooms. Because most of the time you and your roommate are at work or school, the smelly socks, underwear and shirts just pile up one after the other. What can you do? Store your discarded clothes in a discreet, compact place. Remember to wash these clothes before the week ends to avoid heavily rancid clothes.

What normal roommates do: As advised, normal roommates collect their dirty clothes somewhere hidden and compact, like a container under the bed or an extra bag.

What BAD roommates do: Scatter their filthy garments all over the place so your room looks like the aftermath of a natural disaster.

9. Snoring and Sleeptalking
Snoring and sleeptalking are other sources of irritation among roommates. These habits wake you up when you’re asleep and keep you up when you’re awake. The worst thing about this is the the snorer is comfortably dozing, while those around him or her listen to an unwanted musical recitation.

What normal roommates do: Normal roommates try several methods to ease their snoring, like elevating their beds, exercising, or clearing their throat before sleeping.

What bad roommates do: They’re perfectly aware that they snore when sleeping, and will strategically place a megaphone beside their bed before they doze off.

8. Foulmouthing
Foulmouthing is common, particularly among male roommates. Although it is frowned upon, foulmouthing is acceptable as long it is not directed at anyone and done discreetly.

What a normal roommates do: They foulmouth only if it’s absolutely inevitable.

What bad roommates do: They swear all the time – at you, the letter carrier, and even the TV.

7. Pranks
Pranks are ordinary routine among roommates; engaging in one is actually a form of socializing and a way to express camaraderie. Pranks should be funny enough to be remembered, but harmless enough so there’s no lasting ill effects.

What normal roommates do: Use highly-effective but safe surprises or practical jokes.

What bad roommates do: Engage in pranks that usually end with someone bleeding.

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