
In her first interview ever following in the case of Jodi Arias, Juror # 6 Diane Schwartz, has revealed she voted to put the defendant to death saying that “Jodi Arias is very untruthful and very manipulative”. Schwartz also called Arias, who was convicted of first degree murder in the death of her boyfriend Travis Alexander, “a very sad girl.” Hit the jump for more…..

Arizona law requires the juror in capital cases to unanimously agree on the death sentence, which this jury could not. The split, Schwartz revealed, was eight jurors for death, and four voting for life in prison. A new jury will now have to be seated to start all over on the death penalty phase of the trial. But Schwartz for one doesn’t want to see the chance of Arias ever going free. You can watch the interview here….

ABC News