A woman didn't know she was pregnant, then gave birth on her front lawn.
Elizabeth Whitehead, 21, of New Jersey birthed a child right on her front lawn. Apparently, she didn’t know she was pregnant. But how could that be?


Elizabeth Whitehead, who also has a 9-month-old son, thought she was experiencing menstrual cramps, and when the pains became worse she decided to go to the hospital. But she didn’t even make it past her property. She gave birth to her baby right on her front lawn! Two New Jersey cops helped revive the unresponsive newborn. When the ambulance came, medical staff were able to stabilize the baby’s heart rhythm and normalize his breathing.

According to Dr. Lori Gawron, obstetrician and gynecologist at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago, “Some women mistakenly believe they cannot become pregnant within weeks of giving birth. Moms don’t think how quickly after they deliver they can resume ovulation. They can start ovulation 25 days after having a baby.”

via [abcnews]