IFWT_Duncan fam  2

I’m starting to think people shouldn’t get married.  SMH. Divorces can get SO ugly.  And here we have a prime example.  Tim Duncan had reportedly hired a private investigator and caught his wife, Amy, of 12 years cheating.  Well now she’s firing back claiming that it wasn’t cheating that lead to the divorce…it was HIS boyfriend.  Oh my…stay tuned for updates.
Report after the jump…



Via YB:

Amy couldn’t wait to get a divorce from Tim was because of his relationship with another man.  Apparently, Duncan has a bromance with an man [unknown at the moment] who lived with Duncan during his time at Wake Forest, four years after college, and even living with Tim and Amy during their first two-years of marriage.

The only way the unknown man moved out on his own was due to Tim purchasing a condo for his friend.  It may explain why Tim placed a gag order on Amy, as the couple is still going through divorce proceedings.

The source also claims that Tim was treated like a b*tch by Amy throughout their marriage because she knew he was “messing around” with his best friend.  However, Tim knows that Amy was cheating on him, but he’s willing to give her whatever she wants, because he doesn’t want Amy to tell the world that he’s bisexual.