
Dear coffee lovers, Good News!!! Coffee has had its negative rep in the past, but could coffee actually save your life? Read more after jump

Adriela Batista

A new study, enacted by the Harvard School Of Public Health, has discovered that coffee may actually be good for you and may save your life. The coffee been is able to prevent skin cancer, Alzheimer’s, reduces heart and liver failure and diabetes risks. The magic been goes as far as increasing one’s focus. Those whom drink 2-4 cups of coffee a day are less likely to commit suicide than those whom drink decaf or fewer cups a day, according to the study. The study took place for 16 years and studied over 200,000 people. A study in 2011 a study further confirmed that women who drink coffee, decrease their risk of depression by 15%, to those who do not. Although I am not condoning the mass consumption of coffee, I will no longer feel that guilty for drinking that extra cup of coffee. #CoffeeNation !