mixbit challenges instagram, vine

Chad Hurley and Steve Chen, founders of YouTube, haven’t been sleeping since they sold YouTube to Google in 2006 for $1.65 billion. Hurley and Chen have been teasing their new service for months and it’s finally rolling out to iOS devices on Thursday. Read on for what this app will be called and how it will differ from the already insanely popular Vine and Instagram in terms of video sharing.

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The app will be called Mixbit and will offer something beyond what Instagram and Vine currently offer. As the name suggests, the app will focus on mixing and editing videos together. Each video can be up to 16 seconds in length. Mixbit, accessible either in the app or on their website, www.mixbit.com, will let users combine up 256 clips into an hourlong video. Mixbit will also allow users to remix other people’s videos and tell a longer story than the video sharing offerings from Vine and Instagram. Whether Mixbit will attain the dominance that YouTube has or serve a niche market remains to be seen.

Via The New York Times.