Gucci Mane being sued.
Legal issues continue for southern-rapper Gucci Mane. He is now being sued by a concert promoter for what??

Brandon F

Empire Entertainment, a concert promoter, is suing Gucci Mane because they did not get the show they wanted from the rapper. They filed the lawsuit because allegedly he only performed for 15 minutes at their event before he left to perform somewhere else. Empire states that they paid Gucci Mane $22,500 for him to perform in Little Rock, Arkansas on November 22nd. They also claimed that a Tennessee nightclub advertised Gucci Mane the same exact night, and that Gucci promoted that show on twitter.

Empire called Gucci’s camp, who promised that the show in Tennessee was not happening. However, he only came on stage for 15 minutes at Little Rock, before departing for Tennessee. Also, he came back to the hotel that Empire provided him later that night.

Gucci Mane will be facing a breach of contract and fraud lawsuit by Empire; where they want to be recompensed for the fee, hotel, travel, and promotions for the show.
