Ray Lewis will have a legacy left behind from his playing career that will live on long after he is old and grey. He has inspired many teammates during his playing days that most recently helped the Ravens win the Super Bowl. Joe Flacco, who also played a major role in that championship run, loves Ray, but when asked about his emotional speeches, Flacco had a pretty funny answer. Hit the jump.


Now lets not lie to ourselves. Everyone loves to give Ray Lewis credit for getting teammates fired up for a big game. But some of his speeches really leave you wondering like what the hell did he just say. Seems Joe Flacco picked up on that as well. In an interview with ESPN the magazine, he said “I love Ray, and I love how he always spoke from the heart, but if you listened to those speeches, a lot of them didn’t even make sense. He meant everything he was saying, but I didn’t know what he was talking about 90 percent of the time.” LOL. I am glad someone in the league said it. Maybe they are not scared since they wont see him all the time since he retired.