4 graduating high school seniors from Trayvon Martin’s High School will have the amazing opportunity to gain scholarships to attend college due to the help of the Trayvon Martin Foundation! Three Florida organizations have stepped up to the occasion and they are definitely donatiing generously, Hit the jump to find out!
The non profit organization established last year by Trayvon Martin’s parents has gained much support, starting with the residents within Florida. The organization was built in order to offer support to minorities who have experienced violent crimes.
Three groups including an Orlando auto group, law firm and black fraternity have taken initiative in offering $50,000 scholarships to the four graduating seniors from Trayvon Martin’s High School in Dade County. The Boyland Auto Group and Invictus Law Group are set to present checks to the parents of Trayvon Martin for the foundation tomorrow. Also amongst those donating include Delta Xi Lambda, “a black fraternity based in Orlando, and Boyz-4-Lyfe, a group of long-time friends”.
“We are doing what we can to make the world a better place by not being divisive but by uplifting our community through educational opportunities for kids who otherwise would not have the same opportunity,” the donors said in their announcement”
Via HuffPost