Once again some criminals have leaked footage to the web, giving up all the evidence. Y’all put the cops cases together for them now. Rapper Messy Marv(and he is really Messy now) aka @LilPaperdUpMess was in Reno Nevada on Aug 31st and got a knock on his hotel door that he prob wished he never answered.

Tat Wza

*See Tweets In The Gallery*

And here is a dude that says he was there recounting the story, lol kinda 0_0

lol, that guy was funny!

Now in the gallery I show you where Marv says “No Security”, but I happen to find a video from 2011 where Messy Marv had security. I’m not sure why he stopped using them, or maybe they are just for the events but after seeing the leaked footage, he should keep some.

He’s footage I found of Marv in 2010 showing off his crib 0_o

It seems as though Messy Marv is ok, and although I don’t know of him, and not a fan of his music, as I don’t know of him, I’m glad he is ok.