IFWT_AquaTop Liquid Touchscreen
Very exciting, this is pretty much a 1st, Better than bubble bath!! They’ve developed a way for you to to interact with water digitally, and it’s pretty F’ing Incredible!!

Tat Wza

It’s called ‘AquaTop’, and it’s a liquid touchscreen that researchers from the Koike Lab at The University of Electro-Communications developed for your bath time. They started based on the premise anything that can be done with a mouse can be done on a liquid surface. Using a Projector and ‘Bath Salts'(not the drug, but real bath salts you soak in).

DigInfo TV says, “By using the AquaTop display as a game interface, users are given the sense that parts of their body are actually parts of the game.”

Let the Waterable-tech begin -_0

Diginfo TV