IFWT_ Michael-Jordan-Juanita-Jordan

Back in April Michael Jordan married his longtime girlfriend Yvette Prieto.  Well his ex-wife Juanita is now speaking about it — and keep in mind you never heard anything from her when they divorced seven years ago.   I’ve seen mixed reactions on this.  Apparently he did NOT tell her that he was getting remarried.  Should he have?  There’s a lot of things that go into that decision including the fact that they have 3 kids together.  I personally don’t think he had to, but out of respect for the family he should have.  Check out what she’s up to, her current status with MJ & other things Juanita said in her first sit-down interview since the  break-up.



Via ChicagoBusiness:

After the two split, Ms. Jordan pulled back from the public eye. There were no tell-alls and no reality-TV appearances (she was offered the latter).

“I wanted to simplify my life. I got off boards, I downsized the way I lived. I had to because I wasn’t going to be in a huge house. I really looked forward to the basic things: my children and my good friends,” she says over tea and berries in the Lobby restaurant at the Peninsula hotel. Ms. Jordan, who lives in the exclusive Kingsbury Estates section of River North, talks about life after her high-profile marriage and one of the most expensive divorces on record. She received a $168 million settlement.


Ms. Jordan says she and Mr. Jordan still talk. “Mostly our conversations are about the children. I don’t remember him saying, ‘By the way, I’m getting married,’ ” she says, chuckling at the thought. “Divorce was certainly new to me. I had to learn that you have to communicate. That it’s not about you or your ex-partner. It’s about making sure the children are all right.”

(Story Continues…)



Spotted T/Y: JocksandStilettoJill