
hmm.. well I goes this day in age if you’re not happy with your kids appearance, you can bring them to court! The story of a chinese man, who allegedly brought his ex wife to court after he stated his children’s’ appearance horrified him, has been all over the internet, but could it be true? hit the jump for more!

Adriela Batista

The story goes, Jian Feng, a chinese man, brought his ex wife to court after he became distant and accused his wife of adultery due to the “unattractive” appearance of his children. Jeng lost after the children were all tested and proved to have the same DNA of the superficial father, but later brought his ex- wife to court again on the grounds of “false pretense”.

“I married my wife out of love, but as soon as we had our first daughter, we began having marital issues,” Feng told the Irish Times. “Our daughter was incredibly ugly, to the point where it horrified me.”

You see the thing about this physically attractive couple, is that one was born that way and the other well.. was made that way! The mother and ex wife revealed to the husband after the first case that the children did look like her, before her plastic surgery.

After her ex husband won the “false pretense” case, the woman who paid over 100,000 in plastic surgery, before meeting her husband was ordered by the court to now pay her ex husband $120,000.

The controversy surrounding the story continues as many question, the superficial actions of the father, the photo itself that is also referenced in a Taiwanese plastic surgery ad, and basically, the overall validity of the story. One does not want to believe that this actually took place, so for our hearts sake lets hope parents couldn’t be this mean!
