IFWT_Black Widow

When one Pennsylvania resident reached into her bag of plump grapes to wash them, she felt something a little different than the usual round, plump fruit. This feeling was slimy, creepy and crawly, hit the jump for more!

Adriela Batista

As a Pennsylvania woman washed the grapes she purchased from her local grocery store, she came to a shocking, traumatizing stop when she noticed that the bag of fruit contained a huge black spider. A spider expert confirmed that the spider that had been crawling in her fruit was more than just a harmless insect. The eight legged freak was in fact a deadly black widow spider!

But this is only one story amongst a stream of black widow infestations, taking over packaged fruit!

“In another incident this month in Michigan, 20-year-old Callum Merry noticed a spider web in a bag of grapes purchased at a Kroger store in Brighton. “I looked in the grapes and there was a black widow staring right at me,” Merry told ABC affiliate WXYZ-TV. ” HP

The black widows have been found in states including Michigan, Missouri, Minnesota and Wisconsin. Another shocked customer stated their reaction to finding the big black widow spider:

“I saw the legs moving frantically,” Duckhorn recalled to the Milwaukee-Wisconsin Journal Sentinel. “I’ve seen bugs on fruit before, and I thought, ‘That is a very big spider.’ Nothing I’d ever seen before.”