IFWT Anna Benson

Set to air next Wednesday, Dr. Phil’s interview with Anna Benson the estranged wife of former major leaguer Kris Benson, is full of crazy teasers.  Benson clearly has a screw or two missing and I don’t think Dr. Phil can even fix it.

Shay Marie

Back in July Benson broke into her husband’s residence armed with a gun, a knife, a metal baton, a loaded ammunition belt, all while wearing a bulletproof vest, and demanded Kris Benson give her $30,000.  Kris was unharmed.  Anna was arrested and later pled guilty to the attack.  She was sentenced to 15 years probation with 3 months of mandatory therapy.

Benson has several blurbs throughout the interview including saying she’s the most famous baseball wife since Marilyn Monroe.

On why cops didn’t shoot her at the scene: “Because I’m a bada** b****.”

“I know a lot about defense, I can handle a weapon, and if you want to take me out you better be on your damn game, perched up on a mountain with a really long rifle.”

Enjoy the preview…

h/t Yahoo Sports