
A man wakes up in a body bag at a funeral home after being pronounced legally dead in Lexington, Mississippi.

Can you imagine waking up in a funeral home, let alone zipped up in a body bag? No, right? Well this is what happened to Walter “Snowball” Williams of Lexington Mississippi.

On Wednesday Night, Williams died of natural causes, or so they thought! The coroner came to the home and checked his pulse, pronouncing him dead at age 78. They put him into a body bag and drove him to a funeral home.

Two hours later, workers at the funeral home started preparing to embalm Williams when the back started to move. (I would have died right there!) Williams then started to kick the bag, trying to get himself out.

When the coroner was asked how it could happen, he said it was simply a miracle.

Doctors believe Williams’ pacemaker may have stopped working, and then started up again.

Jade Raven

[Daily Mail]