Whoa! More than 4,000 patients at South Nassau Communities Hospital in Long Island could have possibly been infected with either hepatitis A or B, or HIV, or ALL! Hit the jump to find out how.

Jamaal Fisher

According to Daily Mail, patients may have received insulin from the pens – not a single-use disposable needle – that could have been used on more than one patient from as far back as 2011. And as you all know, it only takes one bad apple to spoil the bunch. In this case, it could be deadly.

The pens should be limited to one patient because regurgitation of blood into the insulin cartridge can occur after injection, creating a risk of blood-borne pathogen transmission, even when the needle is changed, according to the CDC.
Hospital spokesman Damian Becker said no one was observed reusing the insulin pen reservoir, but a nurse was heard saying it was all right to do so.

Hit The GALLERY to see the official letter form the hospital to patients