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Uh-oh.  Frank Thomas is suing Reebok.  He claims that the company had no right to re-release his iconic “Big Hurt” shoes in 2013.
Hit the jump for more details…



Via TMZ:

You remember the famous “Big Hurt” shoes from the ’90s — Franks says he had a deal with Reebok from ’95 to ’98 to let the company use his “Big Hurt” trademark on all sorts of Reebok products.

Now, here’s the problem … according to a lawsuit, filed by Thomas in Illinois, Frank says Reebok resurrected the “Big Hurt” brand for a “Classic Retro Campaign” in 2013 … but  they never got his permission.

Frank says Reebok put the retro Hurts out anyway … and now Frank’s pissed — claiming the release of the shoe makes it look like Frank signed off on the deal … when, in fact, he did not.   Frank wants a judge to forbid Reebok from selling any “Big Hurt” shoes ASAP — plus he wants damages, including any profits Reebok made from the sale of the retro Hurts.