So between major retailers losing you personal info, regular hackers, and the Heartbleed bug, you could very well be in jeopardy of a strong hacking. I know you’re like ‘but how can I tell?’, well worry no longer, the ‘tell’ is here!!
S/O Forbes for tracking down this info, and BGR for resharing it for me to share with you! There are 3 sites that can be used to check if ANY of your email and other online presence have been tampered with:
1st; The one I like the most, HaveIbeenPwned
It allows you to look up email and usernames!!
2nd; pretty cool, ShouldiChangeMyPassword it allows you to look up email, AND keep track if something does happen!!
3rd; is PwnedList, but doesn’t work as well, still worth letting you know about!!
Remember, just to be safe, change your passwords and security questions!!