
Omarion was released from jail for failing to appear in court from a traffic ticket. He went to Twiiter to vent his frustrations and to own up to his part.
More after the jump…


“I’m born & raised here in the west & an as a native I thought I had that #Californiaroll pass! Shiiidddd not today!, Don’t be black & have tattoos. The officers that pulled me over ask me dumb ass questions like what gang are you in smh I told him MMG.”

He then followed up with this “Moral of the story is as busy as life gets pay them silly ass tickets cause if you don’t you will be treated like a criminal! I love ya’ll!”. SMH wow all that for a unpaid ticket? It didn’t seem to get him down because he then celebrated his release going out to Spaghettini with his other and girlfriend. Get them tickets paid, don’t play!!
